Ready to make up your own blanket design without a pattern?
What size? How many stitches? How much yarn? Answer these questions easily thanks to the
FREE Crafting Blankets Cheatsheets
(for knitting & crochet)
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Know exactly what size to make a baby blanket, throw, king sized blanket and all the common sizes in between.
How many stitches to make your blanket to get your chosen size
How much yarn you'll need for your project
All without the endless headaches and tangled yarn messes of trial and error.
This is exactly what you'll get with the Crafting Blankets Cheatsheets!
Thank you for your wonderful resource. At last, someone is really thinking of those of us who are ‘new’ and trying to learn/grasp the terminology that making things with yarn covers.
Grab your FREE Cheatsheets !
Drop your name and email below, and you'll get instant access to this FREE Crafting Blankets Cheatsheets (for knitting & crochet)
Hi, I’m Hortense!
I’m Hortense, a passionate knitter, crocheter and hoarder of yarn.
My mom taught me the basics of knitting when I was young. I took those basic skills and added to them over the years thanks to blogs like mine and the wonderful community of online knitters and crocheters.
Knitting with Chopsticks was created as a way to give back to that community and share my easy knitting and crochet patterns with beginners everywhere who want to take the next step.
My goal is to break down knitting and crochet patterns so they’re simple enough for you to create exactly what YOU want, the way YOU want it.